Friday, March 13, 2009

This city lacks passion. That's what it's problem is. And I know/don't care that I sound like an attention needing sad sack who had a bad day, but fer real though, it's either that, or people just talk shit. Cause I've had numerous people come up to me or send me messages where they're like, 'holy shit, David R. yer so great,' or whatever, and I'm always like, awesome thanks, here's 4 albums for free. And the thing is, if there was someone I met whose music I liked enough to go up to them and express it, and they then told me I could have 4 albums of there's for free, I would be on that shit like light, and I would absorb that shit. And that' not bullshit, I did that with both Organizers albums, and pretty much everything Adam Mowery does, that dude wrote one of my favourite songs ever. I even did that with Written Axe to Trigger, which isn't even really the kinda shit I dig, but I thought those dudes were cool and that the record was good, so I repped it. And it's not just with me, the first time I went to Backstreet to see For the Sake of the Song there was a packed house and everyone had a good time, and all the sets were great, and no one showed up to the following two. Like fuck off everyone, Gord's trying to give something to the city, for fucking free, with free coffee, and no one appreciates shit. And then I read this article in here magazine (wish I had a good excuse for reading garbage) and I hear about how all these people desperately want the music scene revitalized and it's finally starting to happen with A Khord, etc. Well fuck you guys, you don't even go to free shows. There are people here who play great music (Adam Mowery, Clinton Charlton, Babette Hayward, etc. etc.) you just have to get off your ass and care. Get into it. Even when people go to shows they just fucking stand there until they get drunk enough to yell 'freebird' like that shit is still funny. And God help you if you wanna play loud music that isn't emo, metal, or borderline white supremicist gibberish punk. It's ridiculous that I could get blacklisted for playing a show exactly like the Replacements. And even when you think you're ahead and people care because you got booked on the merit of your myspace, you end up playing for 10 of your friends while a shitkicker won't shut the fuck up and let you finish your set cause he's so anxious to get on stage and play power chords and yell extremely unfunny lyrics about facebook. Fuck that. Our scene fucking sucks. Even when I was 16 there were a lot of people going to shows. Even fucking Coastline got people out to shows, despite their inability to bill interesting bands. Even Fredericton has a pretty healthy music scene that people actually care about. I've met musicians in Fredericton because friends of mine up there were so into the band. Fuck I even have fans in Fredericton and I don't even play shows there, there's just some people their who care enough about music in general, that they think it's worth their time. Thanks, btw. Plus there's no oversight, and there's no accounting for taste. In Halifax, if you play a shitty show, good luck finding another one. Or if your band just fucking sucks, then fuck off, but here you can make a pseudo bar career out of being a terrible musician in even the least important ways, let alone accounting for creativity, originality, etc. So fuck you Saint John, I'm goin to Halifax.