Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rock N Roll won't solve your problems, but it'll let you dance all over em

journal excerpt (March 21st):

I drew a bead on you,
as calmly as I could
and I watched you collect yourself
in whirlwind and fire,
with the breath of revelation, caught in the thorn tree
and the death of chivalry.
But you were too scared to be real
and the stardust as such caught you there.
You were too naive to be caught,
too confused to be cajoled
With a short breath, your revelation
scraped inside each chamber
like a bullet on the bead that I drew on you.
Or when I handed you that grenade
and you said, 'Tough.'

'Quotes of the day:'

'In the midst of life we are in debt, etc.'
'She doesn't even like me, and I know because she said so.'
'The rocks below say throw your skinny body down.'
'If you're wondering why the love you long for eludes you, I'll tell you why: You just haven't earned it yet, son. You must stay on your own for slightly longer.'

'No regrets, all of my debts, will be paid when I get laid.'
'Tell the gossipers and liars, I will see them in the fire.'

'You're always late with your kisses.'

'I should warn you when I'm not well.'

'That ain't a woman, that's a girl.'

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