Sunday, January 20, 2013

So it's Sunday afternoon and I'm Slinky J's house listening to Ma$e and thinking about food.

Friday I played at the Capital with my pals Eric Ringuette and Corey Bonnevie (aka the Other).  It was a really fun show.  I pulled out the ol' Barracuda and took er for a spin.  I played it through the DS1 and the DD7 all plugged into this tiny ass Peavey amp.  Looked pretty funny surrounded by all these huge amps.  It sounded good though, and the set was really fun and really well-recieved.  I played 'Rose' the way it should be played finally, as a crunchy blues number.  Really wanna put a band together again.

Talkin to Corey about doing a record in the spring.  Spend some real time on it.  I'm also looking at doing some work with Clinton Charlton while I'm still in Port City.  Hopefully more stuff actually comes to fruition this time.  Mike Trask and I are starting to put together 2013 a bit.  Been applying to stuff.  Came up with a name for the new record.  It's gonna be called Rearrange.  I know what the art's gonna be as well.  I'm looking forward to putting it out.  Booked time with J. Lapointe to master it.  Pretty happy about that decision.  Gonna cut them through Indiepool who tend to do a good job.

Gotta start this shit job soon, not looking forward to it but I need money.

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