Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So, I'm tired.

New Year's Eve for me consisted of red wine and rum in the company of JJ, Kelly, Cam, Seb and Courtney.  Also Shauna and her new roommate Patti, briefly.  Today I am very hung over.  Much more so than I would've been as a younger and more debaucherous fellow.  It's been happening lately that a hangover will increase as the day goes on, and this time it culminated in puking my guts up around 5:30 - 6.  Oh well.

What I need to do is stop drinking.  It isn't worth it anymore, because I'm getting older.  And fatter.  I need to start working asap, get this gut gone, get my breath back a little bit, and start doing shit with my day.  I need to get my teeth fixed, and I need my license, and I need to relax.  And I need my lady.


Still haven't come up with a title for the new album, but I'm very excited about it nonetheless.  All-star cast on this bad boy, and I'm very proud of the songs.  It's an album about manhood, and about love, and about losing someone you know to be perfect.

Yes, perfect is a strong word.  And I suppose the half-empty way to look at it would be to say that no one is perfect.  But, as I grow older and inevitably become more similar to my old man, I tend to lean more toward the idea that the cup is actually half-full, and therefore it's my contention that some people are perfect, it just depends on the context they're in.  Anyway maybe this is some tired tangential bullshit but I guess what I should come out and say is that I don't believe that I will do better, because I think that's a foolish and greedy lie to tell myself.  I'll be fine, but I won't do better.  Life is not a rom-com, apparently.

I miss Graham, I'll tell you that much.  I'm all caught up in some terrible nostalgia right now, if you're looking for an excuse behind this terribly melodramatic and sourpuss blog post.

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