Thursday, June 3, 2010

So call me obsessive, but sometimes I get into something in a big way and it takes me a while to get out. Right now that thing is Tom Waits. I've always been a fan of the man, obviously, and Rain Dogs has been an album I listen to regularly for some years now, but I've never fully delved into the vast catalogue of Tom Waits, until now. This is somewhat regrettable but ultimately not that bad, because I think I'll get around to most things in time. What I'm saying is that right now I'm working on a project that is unabashedly inspired by the man, and I'm also nerding it up all over the place about him. You gotta see Big Time, and you maybe also should watch this critical analysis of his work between '83 and '06. Anyway so I've spent a chunk of time lately recording off-kilter stuff in my bedroom and using stuff in my house for percussion. So far that has included a hamper, wooden wind chimes, a shelf, a basket of pennies, my lap, a basketball, spoons, rubber bands wrapped around chair legs, maybe some other stuff and a few cymbals. I don't even care if no one likes it, it's really fun, and it's an exercise of musical ability that I believe will benefit me regardless of it's staying power as solo material. I'm calling it David R. & the Black Book, and it's on my bandcamp.

<a href="">Nuclear Family and the Black Book by David R. Elliott</a>

1 comment:

bun said...

this is precisely the best thing that could happen
unless you, y'know, released your Heartbreaker or something