Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Young and Tired (with the Two-Timin' Blues)

It's been a little while since my last post, and I half-figured I'd never post again and one day remember that this is here and read it and stroll memory lane. But, here I am. I'm at my parents' house, surfing the net. I haven't much else to do. I took the week off work and it's been fantastic already, except I've been up since 6:30 for no good reason at all.

So far this week off has yielded one new song, and I haven't even left for Montreal yet. I'm hoping to get one song out of the trip, at least. I wrote a song yesterday called 'Two-Timin' Blues' and I'm very proud of it.

I'm so fucking tired.

Also, I wrote another song the other day called 'Young and Tired,' and it is also very good.

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