Sunday, May 20, 2012

A New Day, Changing Weather

So, it would appear that I have lost my apartment.

This doesn't came as a huge shock, as I haven't had any solid income to speak of since the end of February.  That's okay though, I'm sacrificing my comfort for my music.  Still doing the tour in June, still putting out the album hopefully in time for that, still doin other stuff as the summer drags on, and at the moment, I don't particularly need an apartment anyway, just the guitar and my bookbag.

My old man and JJ and I moved all of my shit into my parents basement today.  It wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated but here I am, and that's weird.  Only gonna be here for a day or two anyway, then it's time to hit the road.  I'm very much looking forward to that, I can't fucking wait to get the album done and the tour planned and stop worrying about it.  I don't wanna have to be responsible to anything but David R this summer, and that's what Ima gonna do.

I'm tired as fuck.  Drank some beer and whiskey with JJ last night and popped awake at 9am bright eyed and bushy tailed, been on the move since, cleaning and moving.  Tomorrow I'm goin back into town to clean the apartment and get rid of the last of the shit in it.  Then it's hang times with the bros.  Then hopefully I can get up to freddy and get some shit recorded.  Gotta finish the album in Fred, I think, and I'd also like to get to Hali with some folk, since that might be fuuuuun.

Talk more soon.

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