Thursday, October 8, 2009

So last night Heavy Manners played yet another show with the Bad Arts, and it was excellent, as per usual. There were some technical malfunctions, but it was a really fun night. I love playing in this band, and I love playing with the Bad Arts, cause I get to rock out as much as I can for our set, and then go buckwild for the Bad Arts. I love it. T-Snake and I considered fighting a guy, and then him and Liz had to call the cops later when his drunken ass drove off into the night, and I got cut up on the forehead a bit with a broken glass, but it was a genuine accident, so it's all good. The people I really wanted to see there were there, and I got drunk, and it was an all-around good time, so I can't wait to play another show. I also can't wait to write more songs with this band and really get a long solid set on the go, that we can move around and pick and choose from, etc. So far we're getting great reception, so I hope that continues. We're also talking about going back into the studio to do Girl From Moundsville. We've decided that we want to make a 4-song EP that would go Girl From Moundsville, Summer Lines, Drug$, April is the Cruellest Month, and I think that would be a solid CD for people to have. H-FAX fa lyfe.

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