Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Snake Eyes

I've had this thing lately where I'm like, 'fuck snake eyes,' and with completely unreasonable reasons, but like...I'm the complicated artsy type, right, so it's all good. I've just been insisting that my 'lesser-known,' and 'more experimental' (lol, I have no experimental songs) shit is better and worth more talk. This is almost true. But for real, Snake Eyes is my Teen Spirit or whatever and I like pretending to hate it but I was strolling memory lane today and wanted to blog about it, so this is the thing with Snake Eyes.

Snake Eyes took an assload of work to write. Probably more than any other song I've written, in that I usually sit down and write some shit, but this song took like three weeks of lyric-writing, song studying, heartbreak and youtube.

My thing at the time was to go all out on the sad bastard pop music thing. I wanted to capture the over-dramaticism of like, Paul Anka when he's sad bastard, and the catchiness and perfection (ugh) of crooner shit (ie standards). Plus I wanted to write a song to convince this girl that I was worth her time. During this time, this guy Evan I was selling drugs with showed me this video on youtube of My Chemical Romance doing their song, Cancer, with just a guitar. And I won't explain why it took a while to convince me to watch fucking MCR, but I watched it, and it kicked my ass and I became obsessed and frustrated with the fact that they had written such a bomb song based on pretty much the same principles I had in mind (even if they didn't realize). Also I was listening to the oldies station all fucking day at work, and soaking it in, trying to figure it out.

Plus writing the lyrics took like 25 pages of lyric writing and rewriting. (Just said writing three times in one sentence, ugh.) Then one night I was at my parent's house, creeping in the front room by myself with a lamp and a notebook and my little brother's guitar and the shit just came together, finally. Although it took a lot of working out the kinks and such.

Then it was finished and I dropped it on some folks and that went pretty well. Never showed it to the girl though. Yet.

editor's note: also, i later realized that for the main riff in the song i literally play the chords from 'about a girl' in reverse, with a capo.

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