Thursday, December 6, 2012

So I've been neglecting this blog obviously, been pretty busy.  So it goes.  Right now I'm in Freddy with Justin Upshall watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and drinking some beer.  We're driving to Halifax tomorrow and I'm playing a show at Gus's with Motherhood, Owen Steel and Year of Glad and I'm really excited about it.  Haven't seen AP (YOG) since I left Montreal after our short Secular Winds tour.  Good times that was.

The montreal show was the highlight of the few, at Le Cagibi, decent turnout, good food.  Touring with AP and his brother Nick was a highlight of the past year of my life.  Laughs, good friend, oh the laughs.  Also very much enjoyed the Spill in Peterborough (the town where Tom Connors became Stompin Tom).  The Spill is one of the better venues that I've played and I highly recommend it.  We drank copious amounts of beer and played weird sets to a very minimal crowd.  I was a bit too talkative I would say, loose with the tongue, talkin shit.  We also went pretty buckwild on the wall in the apartment above the venue.

Toronto was weird.  We showed up at the venue and a different show was going on.  When we asked what the deal was, we were directed across the hall to a small stageless room, and a busted ass PA, and no staff.  AP played the bus set of the tour, and I played the worst.  It was a terrible balance.  But, we rocked out to some Punkorama and Ma$e and made it back to Montreal in style, where we proceeded to drink a lot, have  a thanksgiving dinner and shoot a Back & Forth interview that has yet to be posted.  We also recorded an EP as our post-doom side project, DIVIDER, featuring the wonder that is Nick Laugher.  What a dude that dude is.

Took a kijiji ride back to Halifax, where I'd been recording my new album prior to heading down to Quebec.  It was produced by Mike Trask and engineered by Charles Austen, featuring Adam Mowery on bass and vocals, Marc Doucet and Trask on guitar, and Tynan Dunfield on drums.  Very excited about this project.  Don't have a title yet, but there's still quite some time before it'll be released.  Probably January.  Gotta master it, title it, shoot the album cover.

Meeting Mike Trask is perhaps the best thing that's happened to my career in a very longtime.  If you don't know the dude, I would look him up.  Great bluesplayer and songwriter, made the songs much better, and then produced them into awesomeness.  I've played some shows around the maritimes with Trask and I'm very much looking forward to going on the road with him in March.

Trask was in SJ with Owen Steel on their tour recently to play a few sets for the Folk Awards.  They played good sets, we drank booze, and I traveled with them up to Parkindale for a very good show at maybe the best venue in the maritimes.  \I got to go up and play a song between sets, and I very much look forward to playing that show in the future.

Very excited to see Owen and Mike tomorrow along with a whole shitload of bucks that I haven't seen in some time.  Then it's back to SJ.  Gonna play a CFMH Christmas special on Tuesday that I'm very much looking forward to.  Then it's buckledown, get a job and live a boring and terrible life.

Well, not terrible necessarily.